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时间:2021-03-09 09:26 | 栏目:英语论文 | 浏览:





  (一)定性方法 (Qualitative approach)


  1. 研究者调查之前没有带什么框框;

  2. 研究者可以作为局外人观察要研究的现象,让一切事情让本来的规律去发生,发展,


  3. 研究者也可以参与到所调查的活动之中或者以观察者的身份参与活动;

  4. 在一般性的调查之后,可以进行深入的个案调查 (case study);5. 所采取的方法是综合法和归纳法,最后成果多是描述性的或在描述过程中揭示一定的规律(即提出假设或结论) .



  (二)定量方法 (Quantitative approach)

  通过一连串的数字,表格,图标来说明问题,如《广告语言中的语用预设》 ,陈新仁 ,1998分类:

  统计方法 (statistical method) :人口普查

  实验方法 (experimental method) :交际教学法比翻译法好








  定性方法 定量方法

  现象学观点 逻辑实证主义观点

  1. 强调亲身参与活动而获得经验;

  2. 只有通过个人主观经验才能认识人类行为;

  3. 了解就是移情;

  4. 依赖定性数据。

  1. 强调用实验方法来获取数据;

  2. 只有摆脱主观状态才能了解社会现象的因果关系;

  3. 了解要保持距离;

  4. 依赖定性数据。

  综合法 分析法

  1. 从部分到整体;

  2. 整体观;

  3. 面向内部结构;

  4. 了解过程;

  5. 假设一种动态现时。

  1. 从整体到部分;

  2. 成分观;

  3. 面向外部结构;

  4. 了解结果;

  5. 假设一种静态现实。

  归纳法 演绎法

  1. 以观察材料为出发点;

  2. 事先没有形成看法;

  3. 探索性的,扩展性的,描述性的;

  4. 可以生成假设;

  5. 成果,描述或假设。

  1. 以假设为出发点;

  2. 事先进行预示;

  3. 简约性的,推断性的,验证性的;

  4. 假设检验;

  5. 成果,理论。

  自然观察 操纵和控制

  1. 观察面广,但较分散;

  2. 变量不加控制,有利于了解变量的复杂关系,但也容易顾此失彼;

  3. 注意内容,但容易忽视形式;

  4. 主观,但解释力强;


  1.观察 (observation):participant and non-participant observation; not knowing what is not known and structured observation 访谈 (interview):open, structured and semi-open interview

  2. 笔记和日记 (log):detail is everything; chronological order

  3. 录音和录像

  4 . 口 头 自 陈 (verbal reporting):边 想 边 说 (think aloud), 内 省 (introspection) , 回 忆(retrospection)

  5. 问卷 (questionnaire):open, closed and semi-closed


  真正的实验研究:研究者对自变量的控制;对被试者的随机抽样外 语 研 究 中 的 研 究 只 能 是 准 实 验 研 究 (quasi-experimental research) 和 前 实 验 研 究(pre-experimental research) 准实验研究


  Objectives: 交际法比翻译法好

  Subjects: 两组(班)学生,各种条件(年龄,性别等)都是等值的,尤其是成绩也差不多。

  Instruments :  Procedure: 前测,分别教学一段时间,后测

  Results and discussion

下面分享一入英语论文范文:Comparing to general English

Abstrac:Comparing to general English, international engineering projects English has its own characteristics, especially in the terminologies. Related translation strategies of international engineering projects English should be taken into consideration when translating it. Vermeer puts forward translation Skopos theory in the first place, objective principle, coherent principle, loyalty principle included. The intentions of this paper focus on the analysis of international engineering projects terminologies and probe into the translation strategies in this area based on the purposes of translators, translation’s contact and use of some kinds of translation methods.
Key words: Skopos theory, terminologies characteristics, international engineering projects, translation strategies
I: Introduction of skopos theory
Skopos theory stems from German functionalist scholars Vermeer. He think that all the translation must comply with Objective Principle which is regarded as the basic principle. For translation, it’s objective decides it’s translation process which also can say consequences decide methods. Generally speaking, the Objective in translation objective means version’s effect. Skopos theory deem that the translator’s translation 用途 decide version’s communicative goal. For the translators, they attempt to put forward the objective of translation, environment of translation acceptor’s use of the version, required function of the version and some detail related to reason. All these have constitute the requirements of translation. Except the Objective Principle, there have two other principles put forward in the Skopos theory which are Coherent Principle, Loyalty Principle. Coherent Principle means that the version shall comply with the standards including 语序通. Intratextual coherence explain that the translation shall be comprehended by the acceptor and make sense in the special culture as well as the communication environment. Loyalty Principle emphasize the major relevancy between the original and translation. Thus, Loyalty Principle is loyal to the original, and the extents and forms of loyalty are determined by the translator’s comprehension for the original.
II:Characteristics of Terminologies in International Engineery Projects
In order to translate international engineering projects based on Skopos theory effectly and accurately, master the terminologies if international engineering projects is the primary thing, this article believes that there are many Polysemies, Compound words, Abbreviations inevitably. Therefore, one shall know these translation characteristics well if he want mater the international engineering projects translation techniques.
1. Polysemy
In kinds of english expressions, Polysemies are familiar, such as mean which can explain think and also can explain someone is mingy as adjective. This phenomenon is common as well in international engineering projects translation. For example, with the development of architectural technology in in international engineering projects, some new concepts emerge at the right moment like cable dome,suspend-dome and beam string structure and so on. All of these words are the terminologies born in recent years. As a result, we need some new words to translation in international engineering projects. However, expressing a new concept doesn’t mean wo must creat a new words accordingly. The language material is quite extensive, the current words can be utilized for a new meaning. For example, Beam string structure, this word, the string mean twine, bowed stringed instrument in the dictionary and Beam string structure stems from their extended meaning. In sentences, there have a close relationship between words and words. The meaning of words change in different phrase.
A.   Compound words
Some words not only have a broad length, but also have a complex content. They are composed of a series of fundamental words. Such as”抗震建筑” is translated as “earthquake resistant structure”, resistant means oppose something or try to stop something happening. Structure means a thing that is made of several parts, especially a building. We can understand this terminology if we connect the three words. Some phrases are made of several compound words. Such as”微型超声波金属探测仪” is translated as “miniultrasonicprober”, it is a compound word which stem from “mini”, ”ultra”, “sonic” and “prober”. More examples, “pseudopholoesthesia”  this compound word is made of “pseudo”, “photo”, “esthesia”. Hence , if we confront some long and complicated words in international engineering projects, we could get the meaning trough analyzing its constituent parts.
    In recent years, it is quite common to use acronym. Such as WTO. International engineering projects is also unexceptional. The acronym of proper noun is widespread in international engineering projects. For instance, DCD (Design Change Description ) which relate to a design change in engineering projects related with a lot of design drawings. More examples, RC means Reinforced Concrete which is a extraordinary compound material in engineering projects and it’s also basic. So this word are commonly used in international engineering projects. In order to simplify the  international engineering projects translation which is complicated as a whole. Moreover acronym is easier to remember and grasp. Another acronyms:  PSWBS means project summary work breakdown structure, CPFF means cost plus fixed fee contract, PEM means project engineering manager, BAC means  budgeted cost at completion. Therefore, we must known the  international engineering projects acronyms sufficiently, then we can translate them more accurately and concisely.
III. Translation Strategies Based on the Skopos theory
     The structure of  international engineering projects is rigourous and logicality is stronger than other professions. The requirements of objective statements is higher. In reality, the words must be precise, without subjective emotion and non-ambiguity as much as possible. According to skopos, we shall achieve the aim of international engineering projects literary writing. This article believes that the translation of international engineering projects shall focus on the use of passive sentence,  subjunctive mood, nominalized structure, idioms and declarative sentences and long sentences.
 1.  The use of passive sentence
    The investigation shows that the situation which passive voice are used in technology english ..................  This phenomenon is closely related to the goal that technology english place emphasis on narration. This kind of expression focus on the accuracy. And this phenomenon is particularly significant in international engineering projects. For example, in the architectural engineering, architectural design, construction organization and engineering cost need to be described precisely and objectively. In order to ensure these important thing related to safe are perfectly  correct, the expression must be objective and the wording must be Seriously stringen.t  Therefore, passive sentences are widely used in international engineering projects. What should be noticed is you need to turn Chinese active voice into passive voice when Chinese-English translation. For instance, “材料间的结构连接常常要借助弧焊技术来实现 can be translated to Structural connections between material are often made by arc-welding techniques. And another sentence “总结了拉锁在工程中的应用现状并归结了各工程所用拉锁的规格和型号” can be translated into “the application sataus of cables in engineering cases are generalized and the specifications and typeset of cables used in the project are also summarized”
2. The use of subjunctive mood
For the international engineering projects, subjective mood is also used frequently. Especially in some conditional sentences, subjective mood is used to put forward hypothesis and express some hypothesis or deduction which are against truth. The purpose of this kind of sentence patter is the compliance with Natural Science Research’s preciseness. This kind of sentence patten gives full expression to  scientific rigor of the english using in engineering projects and achieve the aim that both parties can communicate with each other fluently and accurately. For example, when measuring the steel structure, sentences would arise like“对于预应力钢结构,如果不消除温度的影响,预应力会出现损失,进而使得应力过大” which can be translated into “As to prestressed steel structure, if the impact from the temperature were not removed, it would cause the stress oversize.”  This sentence is a typical conditional hypothesis sentence. According to english idioms and expressions, it need subjunctive mood to convey the meaning. Moreover, “一旦它黏上基面后,如果不涂有塑料胶带,它所起到的保护作用将被大大减弱” This sentence shall be translated into “once on the substrate, it should provide none protection were it not for the plastic tape over it”。

  1. The use of nominalized structure

     In the literature related to international engineering projects, Chinese often use lots of verbs, adjectives to express a sentence, however, English use noun forms of auxiliaries and adjectives. The use of nominalized structure is widespread. For english learners, they must mater the usage. The use of nominalized structure has the same effect in international engineering projects english. Additionally, comparing to general english situation, nominalized structures are more likely used in  international engineering projects english. The goal of nominalized structure lies in expressing Chinese more accurately. On account that there are no prepositions when  adjectives modify nouns in Chinese, and there are a lot of modifiers before nouns in  international engineering projects, however, there does not exist Chinese’s expression in english. Therefore, that’s why nominalized structure are widely used in  international engineering projects. It can express the meaning more precisely and accurately. This kind of expression means can be explained: 相当于英语中用动词表达的内容在科技英语中常用名词来表达的方式. Therefore, it could be known as nominalized structure. For instance, “初步结构设计的一个主要部分是选择结构体系,同时,考虑它与建筑经济的关系”. This sentence can be translated as “An important part of the preliminary structural design is the selection of the structural system with consideration which is given toits relationship toconstruction economics”via nominalized structure. More examples. “阿基米德的固体排水原理”can be translated as“Archimedes discovered the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies” “of displacement of water by solid bodies” in this sentence is a nominal phrase which not only  replace appositive clause, but also emphasize the noun “displacement”.
4. The use of idioms and declarative sentences
       There are many idioms in international engineering projects translation. It coms into being in a long time translation practices and now has been used by related personnel. Some general Chinese sentences patten like: “在尽可能的情况下”  is translated as “wherever possible” or “wherever it is possible”; “按……的比例” is translated as “in the proportions of ……”. During the translation, there are participles usually. For these participles, like “假定”、“倘若” which are often translated as “supposing that……” or “ assuming that……”,“provided that……”.and, “鉴于”、“基于”could be expressed in“seeing that…”. More examples, because of the stringency of international engineering projects, it is more professional to use passive pattern. Hence, “经建议”in general Chinese could be translated as “it is suggested that”. And “证明是” can be expressed as “it has been proved that”. These series sentences pattern are used commonly in international engineering projects which also increase the objectivity and stringency.
    In addition, in international engineering projects, there are some theorematic and regular statements which are used to describe experimentation. For example, the sentence “运用这种方式将钢筋放入混凝土中有助于混凝土开裂后产生平衡力矩所需要的拉力。” can be translated as “Steel bars are bedded in the concrete in such a way that the tension forces needed for moment equilibrium after the concrete cracks can be developed in the bars.”

  1. the use of long sentences

In the literature of international engineering projects, long sentences with complex structure arise usually. The reason is that  international engineering projects have closely connection with science and natural phenomena along with respect for the objective facts and a series of logical deduction. More introduction of definition, theorem and regularity in  international engineering projects translation because they are science and science represent the respect for the truth and the emphasis of precision as well as stringency. As a result, we need to have the ability of sentence understanding and analyzing to improve our ability to read and translate those engineering documents.
     During the translation process, we need to pay more attention to the expression differences between Chinese and English. English lay emphasis on hypotaxis. For the noun and noun phrase, one need to add some modifications such as participial phrase, attributive clause, subjective clause and prepositional phrase to make his expression completely and accurately. However, according to skopos, one must comprehend the meaning and mood of sentences sufficiently to do translation without literal translation to make sure that the semantics of translation exactly consistent with original and keep translation coherent. Fpr instance , the sentence “这种手段常常被用于筒仓、桥墩等重型结构上,偶尔也会被用于公共设施的施工方面”could be translated as “although this method is more commonly used in the construction of sibs, grain elevalors and other heavy structures, it lends itself at times to the construction of elevator and stair shafits ususlly found as part of the service core in high rise office.”
To sum up, in order to make the translation of international engineering projects comply with skopos and grasp its translation strategies, we need to master the english translation characteristics of this profession and we need to be proficient in the use of  passive sentence,  subjunctive mood, nominalized structure, idioms and declarative sentences and long sentences.

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