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Chapter I Introduction
1.1 Research Background
The coming of knowledge economy and the rapid development of informationtechnology require enterprises to focus on projects and improve theircompetitiveness. 21st century, the production and operation of enterprises will adopt aproject-oriented development model [1]. The globalization of electronic manufacturingservice industry is a great opportunities and challenges both inside and outside thatenterprises are facing, to improve internal project management ability and capturingmarket opportunities is the guarantee for the survival and development of electronicmanufacturing and processing enterprises.1)The new external environment that EMS industry facingWith the continuous development of global economic integration and regionalizationprocess, the industry division of work continues to refine, manufacturing service isseparated from traditional business pattern of R&D with producing, which generatesthe new type of EMS enterprises. Besides general meaning of manufacturing service,EMS enterprises are more initiative to provide manufacturing related services such as:product design, development, production, assembly and logistics and transportation,material procurement management, internal system technical support and end-userdistribution and other quality services. The evolved EMS industry requires projectmanagement to support all segments of the company's business module portfoliomanagement.
Chapter II Literature review
2.1. Concepts related to project management
2.1.1 The content and features of project
The Project Management Institute (PMI)defines a project as a temporary effort tocreate a unique product or service [5]. The China Project Management ResearchCouncil defines the project as "a project that is a special limited task that willbe, the, a specific set of objectives over a period of time". Regardless of how theproject is defined, it must contain the following features [6]:The uniqueness of a project: refers to the features of a particular type of activity thatdistinguish it from other activities. Each project is unique, no two projects are thesame.The temporality of project. Once a project is completed as a task, the, without theexact same task recurring.Clarity of project objectives. A project has a specific, unique product or service,which is the multiple attributes.Project dependency and conflict. Projects often interact with other projects inside theorganization with dependency & conflict among projects over resources.The life cycle of the project. Any project goes through a process of starting, planning,implementing, and ending
Chapter II Literature review
2.1. Concepts related to project management
2.1.1 The content and features of project
The Project Management Institute (PMI)defines a project as a temporary effort tocreate a unique product or service [5]. The China Project Management ResearchCouncil defines the project as "a project that is a special limited task that willbe, the, a specific set of objectives over a period of time". Regardless of how theproject is defined, it must contain the following features [6]:The uniqueness of a project: refers to the features of a particular type of activity thatdistinguish it from other activities. Each project is unique, no two projects are thesame.The temporality of project. Once a project is completed as a task, the, without theexact same task recurring.Clarity of project objectives. A project has a specific, unique product or service,which is the multiple attributes.Project dependency and conflict. Projects often interact with other projects inside theorganization with dependency & conflict among projects over resources.The life cycle of the project. Any project goes through a process of starting, planning,implementing, and ending
Chapter III Case Description
3.1 The electronic manufacturing industry background introduce
3.1.1 the electronic manufacturing services industry feature
Because the life cycle of electronic products is relatively short, especially consumerlife electronics, its life cycle is almost one year, it requires the electronicmanufacturing company to survive with constantly introducing new products and newprojects, accelerating the commercialization and mass production of new products.Then it can maintain the long-term survival of enterprises. In addition, the electronicmanufacturing service industry belongs to the micro-profit industry, according todifferent customer or product attributes to carry out project construction managementcan save costs with limited resources. As a manufacturing plant, its delivered qualityof products and services determines the quality of customer products in market. Andthe quality of these products makes a big influence on the end-user's decision-making.Meanwhile the sales of customer's products market directly affect the sales ofelectronic manufacturing service enterprises [18]. All of those determine that theprojects of electronic manufacturing service enterprises have the followingcharacteristics:
1) Electronic manufacturing services or product development life cycle is short.
2) The enterprise's project scale is large with long-term operation.
3) Project has uncertainty factors.
4) The project growth follows the customer's growth.
3.1.2 The electronic manufacturing project feature
The electronic manufacturing of multinational enterprises is the collaborative projectsamong different plants in different areas. Those collaborative projects not only havethe characteristics of electronic manufacturing industry itself, but also conforms to thegeneral characteristics of the project group. In general, the characteristics ofcollaborative projects are as follows;Chapter V Recommendations for improving the schedule managementEach enterprise has its own competitive advantage and unique features in its ownindustry. And the competitive environment between enterprises is different andconstantly changing. After discovering the problems of product development schedulemanagement, enterprises should use management theory, new product developmenttheory and core technology to improve the development process and turn the originalfunctional management into process management. The problem will become a lessonlearn into predictive control management. This chapter will base on the problems andcauses of project management in Chapter IV, combined with the project managementtheory, project schedule management theory, project control theory, PMBOK projectmanagement system, process-oriented organization theory outlined in Chapter II, thefive stages process theory during project implementation, plus the top ten projectmanagement knowledge, to offer a reasonable recommendation with its target goaland improvement contents. This paper is focus more on collaborative project schedulemanagement and provide an improved solution, using the WBS work breakdownstructure, RAM responsibility allocation matrix, CPM key path, CCM key chain,milestones and other models, focusing on the allocation of resources, organizational
structure, process, schedule management method four aspects, collect information,establish project optimization guideline and put forward optimizationrecommendations.
Chapter VI Conclusion
In this paper, the collaborative cross-regional project progress management ofelectronic manufacturing service industry is the research objective. Combining therelevant theories and tools of project schedule and control with the actual situation ofthe company, the author systematically summarizes the current situation and problemsof organizational structure and process, resource allocation, planning and control inthe company's project progress management, analyze the reasons, and establish a planand control plan suitable for J company's collaborative project. Through thediscussion of this paper, the following conclusions are drawn: First, the organizationalstructure is the foundation of project schedule and control. By analyzing thecompany's existing organizational structure characteristics, in order to adapt to thecompany's rapid corresponding market demand and strategic objectives, put forwardthe process-oriented, project strong matrix management organizational structure. Theoptimization of organizational structure is conducive to maximizing the benefits ofvarious resources of the project. Second, resource allocation is at the heart ofcollaborative project schedule and control. By analyzing the characteristics ofcollaborative projects and the status and problems of project resources, the projectresource allocation strategy is developed according to the prioritization of the project.Third, process management is the key to project progress control management risk,according to the project-related theory, project management process guidance andresponsibility matching principles, combined with the company's current GATEreview management process, this paper from the project development of the wholeprocess of five stages of optimization. Project management organizational structureand processes and project management information system are interdependent inmulti-project management system. Fourth, project planning is the basis ofmulti-project schedule and control. By discussing the relevant theories of thecompany's multi-project schedule, using the WBS work decomposition structure tobreak down the operation into the smallest work package, sorting the operation, timeestimation, etc., the company's multi-project three-level schedule plan and controlplan are formulated. In the start-up stage, according to the scope of the project,priority, importance, customer needs, to develop a reasonable project workdecomposition structure, is the basis for project success. Fifth, the monitoring andadjustment of the schedule is the prerequisite for the scheduled implementation of theschedule. Through the project progress tracking and progress control correctionmethod, control process is to explain the collaborative project progress controlprogram. To sum up, the project progress management optimization scheme in thecompany can improve organizational efficiency, effective allocation of resources, toavoid multinational companies to adopt collaborative project management broughtabout by the operational risks, so that enterprises get the maximum economic benefits
