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时间:2022-02-11 14:27 | 栏目:西方经济学论文 | 浏览:

Chapter 1 Introduction
  As an English-language magazine updated every week, The Economist isrenowned for its reputation in the status and globalization perspective. It providescolumns on business, the world this week, science and technology, books and arts,China, the Americas, Asia, Europe and so on. Since the occurring of Covid-19pandemic, numerous pandemic-related articles have been published in this magazine.In February 24th, 2020, the World Health Organization warned against using theterm “pandemic” to describe the Covid-19 outbreak. With the spread of Covid-19, inMarch 11th, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told a regularnews briefing in Geneva that this outbreak can be characterized as a pandemic. Thepandemic is defined as a coronavirus affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the
population in the world. Therefore, a global coordinated effort is needed to stop thefurther spread of the virus.
1.1 Background of the Task
On the one hand, science and technology is acting a rather essential role intoday’s society, and it has always been the focus of the public’s attention. English is awidely and commonly used language, which holds an important role in thedissemination of sci-tech information. However, most readers are non-Englishspeakers. In this circumstance, they have no choice but to resort to transliterated textsto understand related information. Therefore, in light of recent conditions ofcombating Covid-19 pandemic, translating sci-tech articles is of vital significance forthe transfer of science and technology. On the other hand, it is the magazines and TVprograms that constantly offering common people a chance to get the latest newsabout scientific and technological events, which undoubtedly has inspired them toexplore the unknown virus.
1.2 Significance of the Task
With the clipping progress of China’s science and technology, there is anincreasingly number of people becoming interested in foreign magazines. People fromall walks of life gradually realize the significance of The Economist magazine. Hence,on account of the recent circumstances, the significance of this report can be outlinedas follows:First, in the sphere of scientific research, it helps to disseminate scientific andtechnological information. Technology cannot prevent the onset of the pandemic.However, it can help prevent the spread, educate, warn, and empower those on theground to be aware of the situation, and noticeably lessen the impact. During the fightagainst Covid-19, emerging technologies play a vital role in arresting and containingthe spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus, thus making great contributions in anunprecedented route. SARS, H1N1, Ebola, and more have shown their teeth in thepast, but with each such outbreak, people are learning new ways to fight against suchunexpected diseases that can potentially kill millions of lives. In this process, a largenumber of high-quality translations can promote better scientific and technologicalexchanges between different languages.
Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework: CommunicativeTranslation Theory
After a basic introduction of the research, the author should choose anappropriate translation theory to guide her translation practice. Here, the authorselects Peter Newmark’s communicative translation theory as the theoreticalframework.
2.1 An Overview of Peter Newmark’s Translation Theory
Peter Newmark, a world-renowned English translator and theorist in translationfield, whose main interests lie in putting linguistic theory into translation practice andcombining these with language research. The year of 1981 saw the publication of hisfirst book, Approaches to Translation, it was in this book that he introduced the mostcentral parts of his translation theory: semantic translation and communicativetranslation. Semantic translation requires the translator to restore the content of theoriginal text as much as possible, underlining that its language and form should tallywith the original text. Different from semantic translation, the mission ofcommunicative translation is to enable the translated texts create similar effect on thetarget readers as the source texts does on the source readers (Newmark, 2001). Fromthis point of view, communicative translation asks for the translator to take a fullaccount of the linguistic expression habits from the perspective of the target language,and try to present a natural, fluent and accurate translation for the readers.At the same time, based on his own practice and teaching, Newmark proposes inhis famous book A Textbook of Translation that semantic translation is moreapplicable to expressive text, while communicative translation is more adaptable forinformative text and vocative text (Newmark, 2001).
2.2 Communicative Translation Theory: Fidelity, Readabilityand Domestication
According to Newmark’s masterpieces on communicative translation theory, theauthor summarizes three principles from his translation theory to guide her translationpractice of science and technology articles, which are fidelity, readability anddomestication.First, the translator attaches importance to the transmission of information in thetranslation process. The external situation, the facts of a topic, the reality outside the
language can be counted as the focus of informative text (Newmark, 1981). It requiresthe translator to convey the information to target readers faithfully. As a kind ofinformative text, the biggest purpose of science and technology articles is to introducethe advanced scientific results of detecting infected group and arresting the spread ofthe deadly virus, and then convey these results to the readers accurately and faithfully.
Therefore, fidelity is the primary factor when translating science and technologyarticles
 Word Meaning of Develop
Chapter 3 E-C Translation of Science and Technology Articles in theMagazine....................................................................................................8
3.1 Definition of English of Science and Technology Articles...............................8
3.2 Focuses of E-C Translation of Science and Technology...................................9
3.3 Features of English for Science and Technology Articles ..............................10
3.4 Functions of E-C Translation of Science and Technology Articles................15
3.5 Common Errors of E-C Translation of Science and Technology Articles......16
Chapter 4 Case Analysis.........................................................................20
4.1 The Rule of Fidelity for Use ...........................................................................20
4.1.1 Wording..................................................................................................................20
4.1.2 Annotation..............................................................................................................23
4.2 The Rule of Readability for Use .....................................................................25
4.2.1 Addition..................................................................................................................25
4.2.2 Conversion .............................................................................................................27
4.2.3 Division..................................................................................................................29
4.3 The Rule of Domestication for Use ................................................................31
4.3.1 Allusion ..................................................................................................................31
4.3.2 Idiom......................................................................................................................33
4.3.3 Colloquialism.........................................................................................................36
Chapter 5 Conclusion .............................................................................38
5.1 Findings...........................................................................................................38
5.2 Limitations and Suggestions...........................................................................39
Chapter 5 Conclusion
The translator completes the translation with the application of varioustranslation strategies from the perspective of communicative translation. Through10,356 words translation practice, the author has gained a deeper understanding ofPeter Newmark’s communicative translation theory. The theory respects the originaltext, fully considers the cultural context and linguistic features of the target language,and ensures the fluency of communication, which is of guiding significance for thepractice of science and technology articles’ translation.
5.1 Findings
In the process of translation, the author harvests several findings on translationpractice and English learning, which can be summarized into three points.First, the author finds that communicative translation theory is capable of beingapplied to guide the translation of science and technology articles in The Economist.Instead of constrained by the original texts, this translation theory enables thetranslator to seek authentic expressions and diversified translation methods accordingto its principles.Second, when translating sci-tech texts, the author finds that a common noun hasdifferent meanings in different professional fields, and the wrong choice of wordmeaning may cause the whole text to be unstandardized and unprofessional. It can besaid that the mastery of professional sci-tech and biomedicine knowledge directlydetermines the profession and accuracy of this translation. Such texts are highlyspecialized in terms of vocabulary, and high-quality translations cannot be produced ifthe translators do not equip the professional knowledge related to biomedicine.Third, translation is not only a conversion between words, but also a collisionand exchange between cultures. Bear the cultural differences in mind is necessary forthe author. In the process of translation, the translator should put emphasis onlanguages with cultural background and characteristics.
