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时间:2020-08-05 21:37 | 栏目:参考文献 | 浏览:


Early Childhood Education for All: A Wise Investment


In a time of scarce public resources, the care and education of young children will continue to fall to the bottom of the priority list until there is a shift in public understanding about the economics of raising the next generation. High-quality early childhood education is too vital to be brushed aside as a social services expenditure for only a few families or as too expensive to consider in tight budgetary times.

Early education is important for all children. And study after study shows that it is not too expensive.

Quite the contrary.

Investments in quality child care and early childhood education do more than pay significant returns to children—our future citizens. They also benefit taxpayers and enhance economic vitality. Economic research—by Nobel Prize-winners and Federal Reserve economists, in economic studies in dozens of states and counties, and in longitudinal studies spanning 40 years—demonstrate that the return on public investment in high quality childhood education is substantial.

On December 9 and 10, 2004, Legal Momentum and the MIT Workplace Center at the Sloan School of Management sponsored a conference, “The Economic Impacts of Child Care and Early Education: Financing Solutions for the Future,” that led to this report. It brought together some 80 scholars, experts and activists from around the country to examine the economics of early childhood education and to determine how to effectively present this new investment understanding to policymakers and voters. The partners in this effort were Legal Momentum’s Family Initiative and the MIT Workplace Center; co-sponsors were The National Economic Development and Law Center, The Early Care and Education Collaborative and The Center for Policy Alternatives.

Until now, a considerable “blind spot” has blocked the public from seeing the field of early childhood education in economic terms or thinking about creative ways to finance, strengthen and enhance its growth. While virtually every state has maintained economic development funding at high levels in order to aid job growth, state after state has made cutbacks in child care, preschool and afterschool programs.

This approach is short-sighted. The research presented in this report—a compilation of impressive work done by experts across the country—shows that high quality early childhood education is a wise investment.

The evidence is in: quality early education benefits children of all social and economic groups. There are both short- and long-term economic benefits to taxpayers and the community if early education that meets high standards is available to all children, starting with those who are most disadvantaged. Indeed, universally available quality early education would benefit everyone and be the most cost-effective economic investment.

• High-quality early childhood education helps prepare young children to succeed in school and become better citizens; they earn more, pay more taxes, and commit fewer crimes.  

• Every dollar invested in quality early care and education saves taxpayers up to $13.00 in future costs.

• The early care and education industry is economically important—often much larger in terms of employees and revenues than other industries that receive considerable government attention and investment.   

• Failing to invest sufficiently in quality early care and education shortchanges taxpayers because the return on investment is greater than many other economic development options.  

• Access to available and affordable choices of early childhood learning programs helps working parents fulfill their responsibilities.  

• Quality early education is as essential for a productive 21st century workforce as roads or the internet; investing in it grows the economy.

The conference that forms the backbone of this report focused on solutions. Chapter II takes a look at both short-term economic benefits that fuel the economy and the positive long-term impact on tomorrow’s citizens and tomorrow’s economy. Chapter III looks at financing for a public investment that yields high public returns. Today, public investments in early childhood education have grown slowly or are stalled, and current revenue streams are limited. Parents are fulfilling their responsibilities—and paying close to 60 percent of the cost. But the price of quality early education is high. This chapter looks at the financing gap and innovative investment ideas. Chapter IV presents case studies and lessons learned across the country and, specifically, from two states—Massachusetts and Connecticut—that are leaders in current efforts to finance the best early childhood education system possible for all young children in their states. Chapter V presents conclusions and recommendations.

《普及儿童早期教育—— 一种明智的投资》


1 . 导言



对高质量的幼儿护理和早期教育领域的投资将会给儿童——未来的市民带来比投资额大的多的效益。这也将使纳税人受益,并提高社会的经济活力。由诺贝尔奖得主和美联储经济学家在几十个国家跨越40年的纵向经济研究证明了高品质的儿童教育领域的公共投资回报率是相当可观的。2004年12月9日到10日, Legal Momentum和麻省理工学院职业中心在斯隆管理学院主办的一次会议——“儿童保育和早期教育的经济影响:未来融资的解决方案”催生了这篇报告。它汇聚了来自全国各地的约80个学者,专家和活动家一起研究早期儿童教育的经济学,并探索如何有效地让决策者和选民了解这一新的投资领域。Legal Momentum的家庭计划和麻省理工学院职业中心发起的这项尝试,得到了国家经济发展与法律 中心,早期护理和教育合作以及政策选择中心的支持。



* 高品质的儿童早期教育有助于幼童在未来学校上学时取得成功,并成为更好的公民,挣的更多,付出更多的税收,并有助于控制犯罪率。


















